The end of the intellect

Formaat:Vinyl LP
Uitvoerder(s):The Lama Home Band
Label(s):Bananafishin' Records
Label code:006
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrumja
Genre(s):improvisatie / experimenteel


A1.The monsters of Snarling (Parts I & III)
A2.Shrub with a snail's pace / Leaning hedge
A3.Your father is the discountman
A4.Phone Captain Zero
A5.Irma V. extract 1: Dinner
A6.Nothing on Antartica
A7.A terrible mess
B1.Muscular system (for Jay)
B2.Moe is den tijd heine
B3.Fuster claws
B4.Irma V. Extract 2: The field of it
B5.When I see Mauricke
B6.Irma V. Extract 3: Luikersteenweg 171
B7.Morse line fever
B8.Closing the door