Journal of the Alamire Foundation

Auteur(s):Diverse auteurs
Uitgever:Brepols & Publishers
Raadpleegbaar:in Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen (op afspraak)
Delen in deze serie:
Genre(s):oude muziek


In October 2009 the Alamire Foundation launched the Journal of the Alamire Foundation, published by Brepols Publishers. This journal appears twice a year, in both printed and electronic forms. Its primary aim is to provide a critical forum for the most recent and outstanding research, both by younger scholars and leading international specialists, on music in or related to the Low Countries up to the end of the Ancien RĂ©gime. The principal language of the Journal of the Alamire Foundation is English, but contributions in any commonly understood scholarly language will be considered.

jg 1, 2009 nr. 1 Music Sources in Private and Civic Contexts (c.1480-1550)
jg 2, 2010 nr. 2 theme Jacob Obrecht I
jg 3, 2011 nr. 1 theme Jacob Obrecht II & nr 2 theme Philippe de Monte
jg 4, 2012 nr. 1 theme Adrian Willaert & nr 2 theme Musical riddles in the renaissance
jg 5, 2013 nr. 1 Johannes Tinctoris
jg 5, 2013 nr. 2 medieval Chant traditions in the Low Countries and Surrounding regions
jg 6, 2014 nr. 1 Pierre de la Rue e.a.
jg 6, 2014 nr. 2 Mise -en -Page in Medieval and Early Modern Music Sources I

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