The Music Industry in a Digital HassleAn Empirical Analysis on the Adoption of E-Business Models for Online Music Distribution

Auteur(s):Gerold Pulverer
Plaats van uitgave:Wenen
Datum van uitgave:2010
Aantal pagina's:159
Raadpleegbaar:The Music Industry in a Digital Hassle (download)



The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a profound description of the music industry’s value chain and its current market structure in the light of digital music distribution. Digital piracy, file sharing and the provision of improper distribution services have led to a monetization gap in traditional record sales which record labels have to close with the help of innovative customized online services. Different actors, governing mechanisms and promising e-business models are presented in the theoretical part. This founds the basis of the empirical part of the thesis in which an adoption model is provided which considers customers’ importance assigned to different e-business models and features of legal online music distribution services (LOMDS). According to the theoretical part, different determinants for the adoption of LOMDS, such as the variety of music offered, the applied payment model and price, the decision whether to offer downloads or streams, flexibility and portability issues of music as well as value added services, have been retrieved. In a consecutive step an online survey (n = 1246) was conducted to find out if acceptors and non-acceptors of LOMDS would differ in the importance assigned to adoption factors. In regard to these results it can be said that differences exit between acceptors and non-acceptors and marketing efforts should focus on the supply of a vast amount of different artists and bands, combinations of “pay per track” models with subscription models, DRM free music tracks, downloading possibilities with streaming as additional support to curb digital sales and additional value added services like sampling, intelligent search facilities, music videos and lyrics.

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